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What To Know About Using Frozen Feeder Mice For Sale

August 23, 2019
Posted by Manny Fernandez

Many pet snake owners buy frozen feeder mice for sale to feed their slithery friends. Feeding a pet snake can be much more challenging than most people think.

There are a number of common mistakes pet snake owners can make when trying to feed their snake. Buying frozen rodents for sale can make the process easier, though there are still things to keep in mind. 

Below are some of the common snake feeding mistakes many pet snake owners make when using frozen feeder mice. With these tips, feeding your pet snake will be much easier and your serpentine friend will be much happier because of it.

If you would like to learn more about frozen feeder mice or want to view snakes for sale online, be sure to visit our online reptile store

Food Preparation 

Most errors that occur involving feeding frozen feeder mice for sale to your snake happen during the preparation phase of your pet’s meal. It is important to separate and warm the mice before using them.

Reptile food suppliers will flash freeze their mice to make them easy to separate and remove from the container. Never purchase from a supplier that sells their frozen feeder mice in a big frozen block. This can make separating difficult and cause a mess. 

Once you have separated the food you will be using, you must warm them before it will be ready for your snake to eat. An unthawed mouse can harm your pet snake and your snake may not be interested.

Warming the frozen mouse up can be easily done in a pot of warm water on the stove. Let them warm up for several minutes on a low temperature until the mouse is completely thawed. 

It is very important to remember not to boil the food. After all, you are trying to thaw the mouse – not cook it. Also, do not use a microwave to thaw the mouse. This could cause a disturbing mess to occur in your microwave that you will be cleaning for days to come. 

Feeding The Frozen Feeder Mice To Your Snake

Preparing the food for your pet snake is only the first half of the feeding process. Next, your snake has to actually eat the food. The method of feeding your snake is one area where many pet snake owners make mistakes.

For people, food presentation can make a big difference and this is no different for snakes. Using a pair of tongs, you can gently wave the mouse near your pet snake so that it can acquire its scent. 

In some cases, the snake may seem uninterested. Do not take the food away. Instead, place it at the other end of the enclosure and wait. It may take a bit of time before your pet snake moves in to eat the food. In some cases, your pet snake may prefer to “hunt” the food as opposed to taking it directly from the tongs. 

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Frozen Feeder Mice For Sale